We want Linear to seamlessly embed into your existing workflows including customer support. Our Zendesk integration makes it easier for you and your team to keep track of bugs and feature requests and interact with the customers who report them.

How it works

Our Zendesk integration lets you:
  • Create Linear issues from Zendesk or link existing issues to your Zendesk tickets. When linked, Linear issue information is shown inside Zendesk and a link to Zendesk is added to your Linear issue.
  • Automate updating Zendesk tickets when its related Linear issue has been closed (Done or Cancelled). Our integration will also re-open the ticket so that your agents will be able to notify the customers.

Installation instructions

There are two steps to installing the Zendesk integration:
  1. Install and approve Linear for your Zendesk workspace by installing it from Zendesk Marketplace. This will add the Linear widget to your Zendesk ticket sidebar.
  1. Enable Zendesk automation from Linear's Zendesk settings page. This will enable ticket re-opening and updates to your tickets.
Important: Step 2 will also create a Linear bot user on your Zendesk account to post updates to connected tickets. Make sure you have enough seats to create the user.
After you installed Linear add-on, it will show up in the right sidebar when viewing a ticket. Each agent will have to login to their Linear account from the application to create and view issues.


Linear accounts for Zendesk agents

At this point our integration requires that each Zendesk agent who installs Linear will also need to have a Linear account, since the linked issues will be created in their name. This will also allow agents to open the Linear issue to update it or add more information.
Depending on your Zendesk seat count, this can lead to extra costs and we're looking into providing optionality in the future where this would not be required. Please reach out if you'd like to be updated if this becomes available in the future.

Common Questions

Why aren't my Zendesk tickets re-opening after Linear closes an issue?

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