How to run a short trial

Many teams try Linear on a small project or with a single team at work before rolling it out company-wide.
Enable key integrations so you can test out automations such as the GitHub Pull Request workflow and Slack notifications. It's better to try it with at least one other person so you understand the value of collaborative features like real-time sync. We collected some tips from existing cusotmers on how to set up a 1-week trial at your workplace.

Import issues quickly with our Issue Migration Assistant

Get a feel for Linear by importing issues from your existing service. You can do this with our in-app importer to seamlessly import issues from GitHub, Jira, Asana and Clubhouse.
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Discover new features each week

While you're trying out Linear, be sure to read the changelogs where we describe the new features we push out each week.
Is the app missing a feature you'd like to use on your team? Reach out via Contact & SupportContact & Support and you may see it show up in an upcoming changelog. See a bug? We try to fix those as soon as possible and post them in the changelog, too.
Scan our changelog to see how quickly we ship new features:

What people say