Automate workflows with GitHub, Cycles and Auto-close

GitHub/GitLab: Update issues with pull request actions

The GitHub and GitLab integrations move issues from In Progress to Done automatically so you never have to update issues manually. It takes less than a minute to connect GitHub to the workspace and then go to team settings to configure the automatic updates. Read more in the detailed documentation.

✨ProTip: Set personal GitHub preferences

Configure these settings in Preferences under Account Settings.
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Cycles: Automate cycle planning

Cycles are similar to sprints and group work by time. Create healthy routine and focus teams on what work should happen next. Set cycles to be 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 8 weeks long. View all cycles with G then C and go to the active cycle with G then V.
Set automations to move issues in and out of cycles automatically based on their status.

Tutorial 📺 🔊

  • What are cycles and how they work [0:00]
  • ✨ ProTip: How to use cycle statistics [0:19]
  • How to read a cycle graph [0:36]
  • Active cycle view and sidebar [1:22]
  • ✨ ProTip: How to use the sidebar during meetings to filter and update issues [1:28]
  • How to configure cycles in team settings [2:14]
  • How cycles start, end and turnover issues [2:40]
  • Cooldowns [3:08]
  • 👩‍💻 Example: How we use cooldowns [3:14]
  • How to change number of planned cycles [3:24]
  • ✨ ProTip: Why you would set more planned cycles [3:39]
  • Configuration options that automate moving issues in/out of cycles [4:01]

Auto-close and auto-archive: Automate backlog managment

Set Linear to automatically close issues that haven't been updated in n-months. This will trigger a notification, giving you a chance to re-open the issue (but in practice you usually won't). Linear can also automatically archive issues n-months after they're closed to unclutter your views, too. Configure this in team settings.

Tutorial 📺 🔊

  • What is auto-close and how to enable it [0:00]
  • 👩‍💻 Example: How it helps us manage our backlog [0:25]
  • What is auto-archive and how to enable it [0:54]
  • ⚠️ How archived issues affect analytics [1:12]
  • 👩‍💻 Example: Auto-close notifications in Inbox [1:29]

Related articles

These articles in the Linear Guide share detailed instructions on how to use each feature: