Creating issues

The most important keyboard shortcut

The fastest way to create an issue is with the keyboard shortcut C.
Use Alt C to create an issue from a template and V to create an issue in full screen mode.
ProTip: Use to create new issues Type into any browser and it'll redirect you to the new issue creation page as long as you're logged into your Linear account.

Create new issue modal

Create issues from anywhere in the app with the shortcut C or by pressing the New Issue button at the top of the lefthand sidebar. Toggle Create more to launch a new draft issue with the same issue fields after saving the current one. If you navigate away from the new issue modal to another part of the app while creating it, we'll hide the issue as a saved draft and you can re-open it by pressing C.
Ctrl Shift T Change team
Ctrl Shift S Change status
Ctrl   Shift P Set priority
Ctrl Shift A Set assignee
Ctrl Shift A Add labels
Ctrl Shift P Add to project
Ctrl Shift P Add to cycle
Ctrl Alt Shift T Apply issue template
Ctrl Shift T Open full view
Cmd/Ctrl Enter to save issue
Cmd/Ctrl Alt Enter to save then open issue
Cmd/Ctrl Shift Enter to save issue then create a new one
Click on ··· to set parent issue or add due date
Cmd/Ctrl Shift A to attach files (or drag & drop or click the paperclip)


The issue editor supports full Markdown in descriptions. Write in Markdown or paste Markdown directly and it will be converted to rich text automatically. Read more about Markdown and access full capabilities here.
These styles can be applied using keyboard shortcuts or by highlighting text to bring up a styling toolbar:
  • **text** or Cmd/Ctrl B for bold text
  • _text_ or Cmd/Ctrl I or Cmd/Ctrl > for italicized text
  • ~text~ or Cmd/Ctrl D to strikethrough text
  • ``` for a large code block
  • *, -, or + then space or Cmd/Ctrl Shift 8 for a bulleted list
  • 1. or Cmd/Ctrl Shift 9 for a numbered list
  • [] or Cmd/Ctrl Shift 7 for a checklist
  • > then Space for blockquotes
  • Cmd/Ctrl K Turn text into link (or directly paste issue or URLs for clickable links)
Use these keyboard shortcuts to apply other common styles:
  • # then Space Heading 1
  • ## then Space Heading 2
  • ### then SpaceHeading 3
  • Cmd/Ctrl U for underlined text
  • `code` or Cmd/Ctrl Shift \ for a code block
  • ___ then space for a horizontal divider
Use these helpful keyboard shortcuts when editing:
  • Cmd A to select all content in an issue (to delete or copy/paste)
  • Cmd/Ctrl Z Undo
  • Cmd/Ctrl Shift Z Redo
  • Copy the issue description in markdown by opening the command menu (Cmd K) when viewing the issue and selecting the command copy issue in markdown.
  • We offer limited support for tables and do not recommend pasting tables in directly. Ue Cmd A to select all content if you need to delete an improperly formatted table.
ProTip: Press Cmd/Ctrl Enter or Cmd/Ctrl S to save the issue or edits. Draft issues do not automatically save so be sure to do so before moving way from the page.
Add the following to issue descriptions or comments:
  • Emojis: Add emojis to descriptions or comments with our native emoji picker or by typing : followed by the emoji name, like :100: for 💯 and :+1: for 👍 .
  • @Mentions: Write @name to mention a user and send a notification to their Inbox.
  • Line breaks: Shift Enter will generate a line-break in the editor.
  • Reference issues: Type # followed by the team ID, issue number or a word to reference it. Eg. #ID-12 , #mobile. Read more at Issue relationsIssue relations.
  • Embeds: We support Figma and Loom. Just paste the link.

Full screen mode

Issues can be edited in full screen mode using V. Use your mouse to update issue fields. To use keyboard shortcuts such as S to update issue fields instead, click outside of the editor or use Tab and Shift Tab to move the cursor focus away from the markdown editor.
  • Status: Issues are set to your first workflow state by default (usually Backlog).
  • Priority: Assign Low, Medium, High, Urgent, or No priority.
  • Assigned: Unassigned by default. You can auto-assign issues you create to yourself in settings under your preferences.
  • Estimate: We recommend setting estimates if you use the CyclesCycles feature (and recommend you do). Teams choose from these scales: T-Shirt, Fibonnaci, Linear, or Exponential. Learn more about EstimatesEstimates.
  • Labels: Add one or many. You can create new labels from the issue editor, too.
  • Cycles: Quickly add to the active cycle, following two cycles, or select No cycle.
  • Project: Issues can be added to a single project.
  • Some values can only be assigned via keyboard shortcut or when viewing (not editing) an issue. Click on the icons or more menu (three dots) when viewing an issue to set the due date, move teams, remove, add or change the parent issue, add sub-issues, add issue relations, duplicate, subscriber or unsubscribe from or archive the issue and copy the git branch name, issue ID, or issue link.
Use these keyboard shortcuts from the full screen view.
E to edit issue
A to assign to user
I to assign to me
L to add label
Shift L to remove label
S to change status
P to change priority
Shift E to change estimate
R to rename
Cmd/Ctrl Shift C to duplicate as new issue
Cmd/Ctrl Alt 1-9 to set issue status
Cmd/Ctrl D to add due date
Cmd/Ctrl Shift M to move to another team

Keyboard Shortcuts

We have shared lots above in the documentation. Access them from the app by pressing ?.
Did we miss something? Have a question? Email us at to let us know.