Zapier (Beta)

This integration lets you build custom automation workflows with any of Zapier's triggers.

How it works

  • Use the Zapier integration to trigger the creation of a new Linear issue after an action is taken in a connected app.
  • Connectable apps include: Typeform, Gmail, Intercom, Google Forms, Discord, Airtable, Todoist, Roadmap, Productboard, Front and more.
  • We're developing the integration as an open source project and it's available on GitHub. Feel free to submit pull requests if there's something you'd like to add to it.

Automation ideas

  • Create a new issue when a tag has been added to an Intercom conversation.
  • Create a bug report when you receive an email message with specific keywords.
  • Let team members or clients outside of Linear create bug reports and feature requests via an online form.
  • Create an issue whenever a custom database query returns a new row.
  • Create a dealflow pipeline: use a form integration such as Typeform or Google Forms to create a new Linear issue with a custom description.
Here's one way a Linear user incorporates our Zapier integration into their user feedback workflow:

User-created Zaps

These Zaps were built and are maintained by Linear users, not us. We recommend you do your own assessment for security and permissions before using any third party products made for Linear. If you have a Zap and would like us to feature it here, reach out.
Todoist → Linear
Connect the apps you use everyday to automate your work and be more productive. 2,000 apps and easy integrations - get started in minutes.
Todoist → Linear
Webhooks by Zapier → Filter by Zapier & Slack
Connect the apps you use everyday to automate your work and be more productive. 2,000 apps and easy integrations - get started in minutes.
Webhooks by Zapier → Filter by Zapier & Slack
Learn more about what webhooks are available on Linear API and WebhooksAPI and Webhooks.

Magic Keyboard Shortcuts

G then S Open settings
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