Our integration with Sentry lets you create Linear issues from Sentry and create links between Linear and Sentry issues.
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How to use the integration

Enable the integration in Linear from workspace settings. When viewing a Sentry issue, go to the right sidebar and select Link Linear issue to create or link it. Create a new Linear issue using the quick form. We pre-fill the description with the Sentry issue details and you'll add the title, team, assignee and priority. Link to an existing Linear issue by searching for it by ID or title. We support fuzzy search.

How it works

Whether you create a new issue or link to an existing one, you'll see a link in your Linear issue for easy reference and navigation to Sentry. We’ll automatically close Sentry issues when the linked Linear issue is resolved. We'll also update the assignee in Sentry if it changes in Linear (this will work if you use the same email for Linear and Sentry).
Read more about the integration on Sentry.
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Read more about the integration on Sentry.

Keyboard Shortcuts

G then S Open settings
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