If you use Linear for operations, sales, marketing or other business functions, here are some tips and helpful workarounds to do things such as create recurring tasks.
Customize workflows
You can customize workflows on every team to match the processes for your business area. The default Linear workflow follows a typical product flow of Backlog > Todo > In Progress > Done > Canceled but you can modify workflow status names and add more.
We dive into details in the Teams docs, but it'll be common for you to create a separate team to manage work outside of the product. This lets you modify workflows to match your process and keeps issue lists focused. One exception is smaller teams and when a business function is run by a single person. In these cases, you may decide that it's better to have everyone in the same cycle for transparency and collaboration, even if the workflows don't match. Work that is sensitive or requires limited access, like hiring, can be created as Private teams.
For sales, you might use Lead > Contacted > In discussion > Onboarded > Closed-won > Churned while for content creation you might use Ideas > Todo > In Progress > Drafted > In Review > Ready to publish > Published > Canned.
Filter by due date
Use filters to view issues in relation to their due date. You can filter by Due soon, Due today, No due date, Has due date or is Overdue. Due soon means issues due within 7 days. Use Views to create custom views based on these filters and learn more about Due dates. We're planning functionality in the future that will let you sort by due date, too.
ProTip: Hack reminders
If you add a due date to an issue that you are assigned and have selected notifications for due issues, you'll receive a notification when it is due.
Create recurring tasks with Zapier
Use Schedule by Zapier to create recurring issues in Linear. Follow the steps in Zapier or the video below to create a template for the recurring issue. It'll show up in your Linear issue list at the scheduled time.
Create new issues from Typeform, Google Forms, or calendar entries with Zapier
Hook up any form supported by Zapier to create issues whenever the form is filled out. This is great for collecting sales leads, customer follow up, user research, and reports from external stakeholders. If you do a lot of calls and need follow up issues for each one, you can set up an integration to create a Linear issue every time you add a new calendar entry.
Track work updates with Airtable, Sheets, and more with Zapier
You can set up Zaps to create issues from new spreadsheet entries and to keep spreadsheets updated when issues from the development team are completed or canceled. This can help you coordinate with internal and external stakeholders who are not on Linear.
Automatically create issues in Helpscout, Front and other helpdesks with Zapier
For a quick integration with your helpdesk, use Zapier to set up issue creation based on parameters such as tags applied to an issue or assignee. We're working on a feature for triaging issues as well as a Zendesk integration, so please send us your feedback on how we could build support for functionality like this into Linear and explain how it would help you.
Create teams for bug triage and feature requests
It can help keep things organized if you create a separate team for issues that aren't ready for the product development pipeline. The following two workarounds could help your team organize your work. We're also considering adding functionality to support these use cases better in the future.
Triage: Some teams create a Triage team in their Linear workspace where all new bug reports go. This way they can be auto-assigned to a specific user and cleaned up before being moved to the product team. You can also opt to create a separate workflow status called Triage instead of a new team, too.
Feature requests: Instead of adding feature requests to a backlog or filing them in a separate app, you can create a separate team in Linear to track these. It's then easy to reference the issue when related product work happens, have discussions about the feature request, or simply move the issue to the product team when you're ready to work on it. Add links to the user requests in the description or comment so that you can get back to those customers when their requested features launch. We're also working on functionality for helpdesks that would make this easier.
How we work at Linear
We have a feature request team on Linear. We use workflow statuses to represent the different areas of the app. We add new requests as comments and review the issues each quarter to highlight top requests. Here's how it looks:
Did we miss something? Have a question? Email us at hello@linear.app to let us know.