Notifications and Inbox

Specify what notifications you want to see and how you'll receive them.

Notification types

You'll receive notifications whenever you're assigned an issue, issues you're assigned or subscribed to are marked urgent, blocking or completed, you're @mentioned, or when someone comments on an issue or reacts to a comment.
Desktop and Slack notifications are sent in real-time. Email notifications are designed with time delays based on urgency and are only sent if you haven't already read the notification. Desktop notifications work on our macOS app and when using most browsers except Safari. While the PWA doesn't support notifications, you can use the Slack integration to get real-time updates on Linear issues via Slack app notifications.

Enabling notifications

Go to account settings to enable notifications and set preferences for when and how you'll be notified. All notifications go to your Inbox and you can opt-in to receive email, desktop (browser or macOS), and/or personal Slack notifications. From the notifications page, you can also opt-in to receive updates when someone accepts your Linear invite and updates from the Linear team.

Managing your inbox

Use keyboard shortcuts and mutli-select options to easily manage your inbox.
Scroll through notifications using J/ K or / . Use Cmd/Ctrl F to search for notifications by username, notification type, or issue title.
D deletes selected notifications, Cmd/Ctrl D deletes all read notifications, and Shift Cmd/Ctrl D deletes all notifications in the Inbox. U marks selected notifications unread and Alt U marks all notifications unread. We don't support archiving notifications but it's something we'll consider adding in the future.
To view issue details without opening up the issue, press the Spacebar to activate Issue PeekIssue Peek Use View Options, Ordering & GroupingView Options, Ordering & Grouping to tailor what information appears when viewing notifications. Choose to show or hide the Issue ID, Status, Labels, Project or Cycle.

Subscribing to issues

Use shortcut Shift S to subscribe to issues. Cmd/Ctrl Shift S will unsubscribe. To manage subscribers, including others on your team, open the issue and select "Subscribe" above the comment section.

Project and team Slack notifications

We have a separate integration with Slack that lets you push team or project updates to a specific Slack channel. You can manage these from the account settings page, team settings, or the bell from specific project pages. Learn more and how to set them up in our SlackSlack documentation.

Common Questions

My notifications are enabled. Why am I not receiving them?
Do notifications work on all browsers?
How can I re-enable notifications if I disabled them in my browser?

Magic Keyboard Shortcuts

G then S to open settings
G then I to open Inbox
U to mark notifications unread and Alt U to mark all
D to delete notifications and Alt D to delete all
Shift S to subscribe to issues and Cmd/Ctrl Shift S to unsubscribe
Did we miss something? Have a question? Email us at to let us know.