Create teams in your workspace to organize members who regularly work together such as design, engineering, and marketing.

How to divide your workspace in teams

There isn't a hard or fast rule on how to organize your teams. Here are different ways you can:
  • To group teammates who work together frequently.
  • To group an area of work such as marketing, mobile app, etc.
  • On small teams, it can help to keep everyone together to get the most out of features such as cycles.
  • When first trying out Linear it can help to start with one team to keep things simple as you learn how features work.
As your team grows or if you decide to organize teams differently, you can easily add teams and move multiple issues at once with Shift Cmd/Ctrl M .

What to consider

Here are some things to keep in mind when deciding how to split up teams:
  • Issues are tied to teams. Think about how you prefer to manage your work and interact with features such as the backlog and archive.
  • Workflows can be customized per team. Different work areas or internal teams (e.g. engineering, design, marketing, sales) may require different statuses.
  • Cycles are team-specific. You can set them up so that all teams follow the same schedule, but you can't view more than one team's cycle at once. Think about how you manage your work, run meetings, measure progress, and how many cycles you'll want to oversee as a manager.
  • Projects can be shared across multiple teams. You can view a roadmap for your organization or team roadmaps. Sub-issues can be associated with any team, not just the parent issue's team.
  • Other features are team-specific but also easy to copy over to another team, such as pull request automation and issue templates. Labels are team-specific but you can create views that show issues from multiple teams as long as the label has the same name across them.
How we work at Linear We started off with a single team called Linear for all work including engineering, design, and marketing. We still work primarily from that team but have added new teams recently–Content and Recruiting–which both require different workflows as well as a Feature Request team to keep those separate from work we've committed to building.

Create and edit teams

Your workspace is created with a default team with the same name as the workspace.
To add more teams, go to settings and click Add team in the sidebar. When creating new teams, you'll have the option to copy over settings from an existing team. To edit a team's settings, go to general settings or hover over the team name in the sidebar and select team settings from the more menu (three dots).

How to join, leave or add someone to a team

Admins can add users to teams under Members in team settings. Users can join and leave teams on their own, too. To join or leave a team, hover over the team name in the lefthand sidebar, click the ··· and then join or leave the team from there. You can create issues in a team without having to be part of it.

Team-specific settings

We've made some settings team-specific to allow flexibility for preferred workflows and to prevent conflicting nomenclature.
Under General, you can edit the team name, identifier and timezone. While the GitHub and GitLabGitHub and GitLab integration is enabled on a workspace level, you customize the pull request automations on a team level. This is also where you'll add or configure EstimatesEstimates (recommended if you enable cycles) and set up team-specific Slack notifications.
Add or remove members from a team or make a team private (coming soon!).
Add, remove or edit workflow statuses, set what status is applied to duplicate issues, and configure Auto-close and Auto-archiveAuto-close and Auto-archive.
Add, remove or edit labels. See how many issues are under each label.
Add, edit or delete templates. Set default templates when team members or members outside of the team create an issue.
Create a webhook.
Enable cycles for your team and configure cycle settings.

Keyboard shortcuts

Ctrl Shift 1-9 to open a team (# corresponds to team's order in sidebar)
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